Cravatta Uomo Hardy Amies Londra A Righe Blu RossoTutti i nostri prodotti sono nuovi oppure usati in buone condizioni, testati e verificati accuratamente dal nostro staff.
Tie Yves Saint Laurent Green Bordeauxxfantasy Sea 100% SilkAll the products in our store are new or used in good condition, thoroughly tested and verified by our staff.
Tie Gianfranco Ferrè 100% Silk Black Green BlueAll the products in our store are new or used in good condition, thoroughly tested and verified by our staff.
Tie Yves Saint Laurent Paris 100% Silk Red GreenAll the products in our store are new or used in good condition, thoroughly tested and verified by our staff.
Tie Gianfranco Ferrè Fantasy Brocade Yellow Blue OrangeAll the products in our store are new or used in good condition, thoroughly tested and verified by our staff.