Who wants to sell asks ...
How can I go about delivering my items?
We are available for goods collection from Monday to Friday from 10.00 to 18.30. If you have up to a maximum of 3 Objects items, you can present yourself at the Occasion Market without an appointment. After 3 items or for any number of Clothing items, an appointment is required. From today it is possible to book it online by clicking here
Mercato delle Occasioni buys the items I bring on consignment?
No, everything that is delivered regardless of the type of item will be taken into account by us, you will be reimbursed for the items after the sale.
Do I have to pay to drop off my items?
You will not have to incur any cost to deposit your items on consignment at Mercato delle Occasioni, the service we offer is free and for both parties the gain is only in the event of a sale.
What percentage do you keep in the event of a sale?
The percentages on sales are broken down as follows:
- 35% of the price for large furniture (you will be entitled to 65%)
- 50% for all other categories.
Can I bring the clothing I want and when I want?
Clothing must be washed, ironed and in excellent condition, we accept clothing according to the seasons to optimize sales.
Can I withdraw money from my sales whenever I want?
Refunds can be collected at our store after 8 days from the sale of the item and can accumulate in your name (in case you are unable to collect them) for a maximum period of one year.
Do I have to pay VAT / taxes on the amount raised or do I have to declare it on the tax return?
No, the customer does not have to incur any costs or even declare the sums received thanks to the sales account, except if the refund is exceeded 77 euros for which 2 euros will be deducted and the value stamp will be applied on the payment receipt. corresponding.
What can I do if I have to propose furniture?
You can send us photos by e-mail or whatsapp of the items you intend to sell or bring the photo to the store so that we can confirm our interest in the article and an indicative evaluation. Later we will arrange for the possible delivery.
Can I collect my unsold items only after 60 days of exposure?
No, the items you propose if not purchased or withheld from a deposit can be collected by you if you want for free.
Who wants to buy asks ...
Can I get discounts on the items on display?
Yes, as long as the article in question has passed the 60 days of exposure (see date on the label). In the event of less than two months the price will remain unchanged.
Can I have an item set aside without paying a deposit?
It is not possible to book any item without a deposit, but a deposit equal to 20% of the displayed price will be enough to book it for 7 days.
If after 7 days I have not paid and collected the item I have bought, what happens?
The deposit has a duration of 7 days, if these times are not respected the article / articles will be put back on sale and the deposit lost.